Video installation + cement and burnt scooter
Time: 6 min
Display: Mono projection
Filmed on location at: Pietrasanta (LU) – Italy and La Spezia, Italy

CICLO DEGLI ELEMENTI 2008-2009 (Cycle of elements)

ll perturbante è il titolo di un saggio di Sigmund Freud, “…….una particolare attitudine del sentimento più generico della paura, che si sviluppa quando una cosa (o una persona, un’impressione, un fatto o una situazione) viene avvertita come familiare ed estranea allo stesso tempo, cagionando generica angoscia unita ad una spiacevole sensazione di confusione ed estraneità.”
The perturbant is the title of an essay by Sigmund Freud, “……. a particular attitude of the most generic feeling of fear, which develops when a thing (or a person, an impression, a fact or a situation ) is felt as a familiar and foreign at the same time, causing generic anguish with an unpleasant feeling of confusion and extraneousness. ”

Dur: 5 min.
Camera 1: AG-HVX 200, Camera 2: Panasonic HCD-SD9 3CCD
Sound: Multiple record SOUND DEVICES 744T (wave 24 bit 48 khz)
Camera operators: Uovoquadrato, Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound post production: Uovoquadrato
Backstage camera: Fabio Sciortino
Special fire effects: Fabio Sciortino
Display: Double projection
Filmed on location at: Pietrasanta (LU) – Italy

Time: 14,21 min.
Camera 1: Panasonic HCD-SD9 3CCD Camera 2: JVC GY dv500, Camera 3: BTS-c1 microcamera, recorded with Sony Digital8,
Camera operators: Riccardo Lucchesi, Elena+Elena, Eleonora Rossi
Production coordinator: Artlab
Digital sound post production: Riccardi Lucchesi
Video post production: Riccardo Lucchesi, Luca Gaddini
Music: original theme by Luca Mauri
Display: Double projection
Filmed on location at: Piano di Quercia (MS) – Italy

Time: 5 min.
Camera 1: Panasonic HCD-SD9 3CCD Camera 2: JVC GY dv500, Camera 3: BTS-c1
microcamera, recorded with Sony Digital8
Camera operators: Riccardo Lucchesi, Eleonora Rossi
Production coordinator: Artlab
Digital sound post production: Luca Mauri,Luca Gaddini
Display: Double projection
Filmed on location at: Paris Metrò – France, Etna Vulcan, Catania – Italy
Made with financial support of: Francesco Padovani

Time: 7 min.
Camera 1: JVC GY dv500
Camera operators: Riccardo Lucchesi
Sound recordist: Riccardo Lucchesi, Luca Mauri
Production coordinator: Artlab
Digital sound post production: Luca Mauri
Video post production: Luca Gaddini
Display: Mono projection
Filmed on location at: La Cavallerizza (Lucca) – Italy
Thanks to: Roberto Castello and Opera delle Mura (LU)

Time: 4,21 min.
Camera 1: Panasonic AG-HVX 200, Camera 2: Panasonic AG-HVX 200
Sound: Multiple record SOUND DEVICES 744T (wave 24 bit 48 khz)
Camera operators: Uovoquadrato
Sound recordist: Uovoquadrato
Production coordinator: Artlab
Digital sound post production: Uovoquadrato, Luca Mauri
Video post production: Luca Gaddini
Display: Triple projection
Filmed on location at: Liceo Artistico cardarelli (SP) – Italy, Dipartimento di Arti
Multimediali Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara (MS) – Italy

CICLO DEL PERDONO 2010 (Forgiveness cycle)

Che cos’è il perdono? E.R.
What is forgiveness? E.R.

DAN: Pensi che l’amore sia semplice. pensi che il cuore sia come un diagramma.
LARRY: Hai mai visto un cuore umano? Assomiglia a un pugno immerso nel sangue! Vaffanculo. Scrittore! Bugiardo! (Patrick Marber)

You think love is simple. You think the
heart is like a diagram.
LARRY: Have you ever see a human heart? It looks like a fist wrapped in blood! Go fuck yourself. You writer! You liar! (Patrick Marber)

Time: 5,33 min.
Camera: Canon XH-G1
Format: Standard definition PAL 4:3/spleet screan
Camera operator: Jonathan Berman
Digital sound/Video post production: Luca Gaddini
Filmed on location at Guguletu-Cape Town
Display: Mono proJection

I’M SORRY (2010)
Time: 9,13 min.
Photo Camera: Nikon D70
Format: Standard definition PAL 4:3
Photographer: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound/Video post production:
Luca Mauri, Luca Gaddini
Filmed on location at Johannesburg, South Africa
Display: Multiple proJection

Time: 05.02 min.
Photo Camera: Nikon D70
Digital sound/Video post production: Luca Mauri, Luca Gaddini
Filmed on location at: Tipografia Menegazzo – Lucca – Italy
Production coordinator: Artlab
Display: Mono proJection

Camera: Canon XH-G1
Camera operator: Jonathan Berman, Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound/Video post production: Luca Gaddini, Eleonora Rossi
Filmed on location at: Cape Town (SA)
Thanks to: Sacha Waldman
Display: Double proJection


Time: 6,46 min.
Camera 1: Canon XH-G1, Camera 2:Panasonic HDC-SD9 3CCD
Format: Standard definition PAL 4:3
Sound: recorded directly to camera
Camera operators: Jonathan Berman/One Free Agent
Digital sound post production: Luca Mauri
Video Post Production: Luca Gaddini
Thanks to: Samuela Baratella
Filmed on location at: Etna Vulcan – Catania – Italy and Virgin Wembley Square Gym – Cape Town

Band: Luminanceratio
Casa discografica: Bocian Records
Camera 1: Canon
Camera operators: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound post production: Luca Mauri
Video Post Production: Eleonora Rossi
Display: mono projection
Filmed on location at: Marina di Pietrasanta (LU) – Italy

CICLO DELLE ISOLE 2015-2021 (Islands cycle)

Quest’ordine del mondo, che è lo stesso per tutti, non lo fece né uno degli dei, né uno degli uomini, ma è sempre stato ed è e sarà fuoco vivo in eterno, che al tempo dovuto si accende e al tempo dovuto si spegne. 
Heracl. fr. 30 D.-K.
This order of the world, which is the same for everyone, did not make it one of the gods, nor one of the men, but it has always been and is and will be lively fire forever, which at the time due to light up and the time due turns off. Heracl. fr. 30 D.-K.

Time: 00.50 min (loop)
Camera 1: Canon
Sound: recorded directly to camera
Camera operators: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound post production: Eleonora Rossi
Video Post Production: Eleonora Rossi
Display: mono projection
Filmed on location at: Marettimo Island (TR) – Italy

Time: 12.23 min
Camera 1: Canon
Sound: recorded directly to camera
Digital sound post production: Eleonora Rossi
Video Post Production: Eleonora Rossi, Luca Ferrari
Display: mono projection
Filmed on location at: Lipari Island (ME) – Italy

Time: 3.50 min
Camera 1: Canon
Sound: recorded directly to camera
Camera operators: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound post production: Eleonora Rossi
Video Post Production: Eleonora Rossi
Display: mono projection (up to down)
Filmed on location at: Lipari Island (ME) – Italy

CICLO “ATLANS FEMINAE” 2011-2023 (“Atlans Feminae” cycle)

A lato di ciò che ho visto, al margine di ciò che ho letto, ho scorto il racconto di qualcosa che credo ci riguardi.
On the side of what I have seen, at the edge of what I’ve read, I saw the story of something I think talk about us. E.R.

Il ciclo “Atlans feminae” è un work in progress che intende indagare il tema del ritratto contemporaneo attraverso alcune figure femminili note e meno note della storia che l’artista ha scelto di approfondire per affinità personale ma che acquistano nel lavoro una forma universale. Indagando infatti la storia privata e pubblica dei suoi soggetti, Eleonora Rossi ritrova in taluni comportamenti un sentire femminile comune che travalica il tempo e lo spazio e che riconosce fortemente presente anche nella contemporaneità.

The “Atlans feminae” cycle is a work in progress that intends to investigate the theme of contemporary portrait through some well-known and lesser-known female figures in history that the artist has chosen to explore for personal affinity but which acquires a universal form in the work. By investigating the private and public history of her subjects, Eleonora Rossi finds in some behaviors a common feminine feeling that goes beyond time and space and which she recognizes as strongly present even in the contemporary world.

Time: 05:55 min
Camera: Riccardo Lucchesi
Video editing/Post production: Luca Gaddini
Production coordinator: Artlab
Filmed on location at: Milano, Italy

Time: 01:38 min
Photo Camera: Canon
Camera operator: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound/Video post production: Eleonora Rossi
Filmed on location at Palazzo Ducale – Mantova: Studiolo di Isabella d’Este e Grotta
Display: Mono proJection

Time: 01:36 min
Photo Camera: Canon
Camera operator: Eleonora Rossi
Sound: Duo Seraphim – Monteverdi
Digital sound/Video post production: Eleonora Rossi
Filmed on location at: Milano
Display: Mono proJection


Time: 2.00 min
Photo Camera: Red ottiche Zeiss Distagon
Camera operator: Luca Ferrari
Co-Director: Luca Ferrari
Digital sound/Video post production: Eleonora Rossi and Luca Ferrari
Filmed on location at: Milano
Display: Mono projection

Time: 02.48 min
Photo Camera: Canon EOS 100D
Camera operator: Eleonora Rossi
Sound: in Marrakech original sound recorded directly to camera
Digital sound/Video post production: Eleonora Rossi
Filmed on location at: Marrakech, Marocco and Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology – Milano
Display: Mono projection

NOI, MEDEA (2024)
Durata: 02:55 min
Photo Camera: Canon EOS 100D
Operatore: Eleonora Rossi
Digital sound/Video post production: Eleonora Rossi
Display: Double projection (o monitor) 

Attrice: Eleonora Rossi

Time: 01:00 min, 00:30 min, 00:40 min
Photo Camera: Canon…, Samsung phone
Camera operator: Eleonora Rossi
Sound: no sound
Digital Video post production: Eleonora Rossi
Filmed on location at: Arles, France – Accademia di Brera, Milano – Forte dei Marmi (LU)
Display: Multiple proJection